


A selection of wild agaves of the species Marmorata, with 15 to 25 years of maturity, in a habitat with cliffs, grown up over limestone lands, clayey soils and with few rains in an altitude of 700 to 1500 meters above sea level. Given the low performance of the sugars and their rareness, the mezcal productions of this agave are very limited and unique.

Mezcal Characteristics

Artisanal process: Earth conical furnace cooking, traditional milling
with a stone mill (tahona), natural fermentation in ocote tubs, double
selective distillation in copper alembic.

Mezcal Master (Maestro Mezcalero): Armando Fabián Martínez

Tasting Notes:

Scent: Is a crystalline mezcal, with deep herbal slight wet soil and
citric scents and a light likeable smoked scent.

Taste: Extraordinary combination of herbal, earthy and sweet dry
fruits tastes with a silky final touch in the palate, well balanced that
give a great flavor profile.


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Parameter Value
Scientific name



San Carlos Yautepec, Oaxaca

Alcohol Content
